Question Types
An insight into every question type available
There are four types of questions that can be added to your form; 'Select', 'Ranking', 'Open' and 'Special Function'. Every question type has its own page in this help guide describing how it functions, the question specific settings and explaining some use cases. A brief description is displayed next to the question type in the table below.
Click on the question type to learn more about it:
Question Type |
Description |
SingleSelect |
Allows the respondent to select one option from up to 15 choices displayed in a list. |
MultipleSelect |
Allows the respondent to select more than one option from up to 15 choices displayed in a list. |
DropDownSelect |
Allows the respondent to select one option from up to 15 choices displayed in a drop-down menu list. |
LongSelect |
Allows the respondent to select options from an unlimited number of choices. |
Picture |
Displays five pictures with a question statement that the respondent can select from. |
Agreement |
Used to rate the question statement by clicking one of the available radio buttons. |
Decision |
Used to skip past questions or pages that the respondent will not need to answer depending on the statement selection they have made. |
Survey |
Used to gather survey data using the same scale for more than one questions or statements. |
Linked |
Two drop-down select boxes set next to each other and the choices available are both linked. The first drop-down menu on the left hand side acts a heading and the right hand drop-down menu acts as a sub-heading. |
Ranked |
Asks the respondent to rank multiple questions or statements in order by selecting a rank from the table displayed. |
DropDownRanked |
Asks the respondent to rank multiple questions or statements in order by selecting an individual rank for each from a drop-down menu list. |
AutoRank |
Ensures the respondent completes the ranking of a question quickly and accurately. The respondent will click into the appropriate statement box in the order that they rank the statement. |
Rating |
A 'star' rater for a statement or question. |
Score |
Allows the respondent to provide a score on a statement in numerical form. |
Net Promoter Score |
A customer loyalty and satisfaction measurement taken from asking how likely they are to recommend your product or service to others on a scale of 0-10. |
Input |
A multiple text input box with various validation options available. |
SingleInput |
A singular text input box with various validation options available. |
TextBox |
Allows the respondent to type anything into it. |
AgreeCheck |
A mandatory question that is used to ensure respondents are happy to proceed with the terms and conditions prior to beginning the form or before they submit it. |
Hidden |
Not actually a question. It is used as a way to display text to the respondent. |
Captcha |
Used globally to ensure forms or surveys aren't completed by robots. |
Calculated |
An automatic calculation tool used for sales forms or any form containing a list of values. |
List |
Used to capture data in the same style as a spreadsheet would, with columns and validated rows pre-defined by the form creator. |
Signature |
Provides a box for your form respondent to draw in their signature with their mouse on a PC or by finger on a smart device. |
Approve |
Activated by a simple workflow feature. |
FileUpload |
Provides a location for your respondent to upload a file with their form entry. |
JumpTo |
Used to re-direct a respondent to a different URL, that would usually relate to the current form. |