Video Overview
The 'Ranked' question type asks the respondent to rank multiple questions or statements in order by selecting a rank from the table displayed. Ranking is different to rating as you are ranking all of the choices against each other, where as with a rating question you are rating every individual choice on a scale.
The statements will be displayed on the left of the table as rows and the number of statements will be displayed along the top in columns. This forms a table view and the respondent can select their ranking for each statement (if there are 10 statements, then the table ranking will range from 1-10).
The respondent will select their choice using the appropriate radio button in a row with the rank. Only one choice per row is permitted.
This question is similar to the ' DropDownRanked' question type. Both these question types work in the same way, but the the choices are displayed as radio buttons in a table compared to in a drop-down menu list. The ' AutoRank' question has the same concept, but uses logic to function properly.
Have a look at this question type in an example form.
Use Cases
The use of the regular ' Ranked ' question type will display all statement choices to the respondent within a table. This will easily display their choices and changes can be made in line with their other answers.
Feedback Quality
As a company providing a service or product, you can use this question type to determine what aspect needs improved and what is going well. This will provide feedback on all angles of a product or service, and adequate improvements can be made to meet customer demands.
The respondents aspect rankings will provide a clear answer compared to a 'Rating' question type that provides very specific data for the individual statement. The ranking of various statements regarding the product allows you to prioritise and adhere to the overall development.
Not the question you were looking for? See the 'Question Types' topic to view all of the other types.