Video Overview
The 'Linked' question type displays two drop-down select boxes set next to each other and the choices available are both linked. The first drop-down menu on the left hand side acts a heading and the right hand drop-down menu acts as a sub-heading.
This question type can be used when you have a lot of individual options needing categorised so the respondent does not have to scroll through them all. This select type question is useful when you are required to minimise form space used.
Have a look at this question type in an example form.
Question Settings
Left box label: Edit the left drop-down menu list title.
Right box label: Edit the right drop-down menu list title.
Answer Choices:
To create a left hand drop-down menu option, enter the text you would like to display as the first option in the row.
To create a right hand drop-down menu option to be categorised within the left hand selection , enter the text you would like to display following on from the first option within the same row. You can enter as many right drop-down menu options as you like by separating them using a semi colon ( ; ).
To create a country and city linked question type:
Left hand drop-down menu = Scotland
Right hand drop-down menu = Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen
The row would look like this: Scotland; Edinburgh; Glasgow; Aberdeen
Uses Cases
The default answer example when you add a 'Linked' question type is countries and cities. This example can be modified to be countries, cities, continents or towns. Locations work well with this question type due to the specific categorisation of each location, and the amount of locations per each country or continent etc.
If you are a company with multiple store or office locations, this question type can categorise them and ease the selection process for the respondent.
Inventory Organisation
A large inventory can be categorised via this question, allowing for respondents to filter and select through items. Items could be categorised by section, price or availability e.g.
Furniture; Chair; Table; Lamp
Kitchen; Kettle; Microwave; Pots
£10; Chair; Table; Lamp
£5; Book; Bag; Pencil
>25; Chair; Table; Lamp
<10; Book; Bag; Pencil
Not the question you were looking for? See the 'Question Types' topic to view all of the other types.