
The 'Signature' question type will provide a box for your form respondent to draw in their signature with their mouse on a PC or by finger on a smart device. This is essentially a digital version of a traditional pen and ink signature. The respondents signature can be displayed within the form reports and can also be printed out or sent via email.

An 'e-signature' provides the same legal commitment as a handwritten signature. See the 'Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 (the eIDAS Regulation)' for more information.


Clear: This option will clear and reset any signature that was drawn in the box.


Have a look at this question type in an example form.


Use Cases


Receiving authorisation via an e-signature provides evidence that a respondent agrees with the terms and conditions. This online signature can be sent via email, downloaded or printed to an in-hand copy.

Including this question type when gathering a respondents information for a service ensures they agree and are willing to go ahead with the process. With a verbal agreement, there is no confirmation evidence and no terms and conditions are set. This will protect both sides of the agreement as there is evidence to what has and hasn't been agreed on.


Not the question you were looking for? See the 'Question Types' topic to view all of the other types.