
An 'Input' question is a multiple text input box with various validation options available. It is used to obtain validated textual information from the respondent such as email, phone number, city and more. Up to eight Input fields may be selected.

This question type is very similar to the ' Single Input' question type, but with extra validation features. More than one input can be grouped together to organise your form better.


Have a look at this question type in an example form.


Question Settings

Question: Edit the question text which is displayed above the multiple input fields.

Label: Edit the label text which is displayed above the multiple input fields.

Force: Enable the mandatory completion of this question.

Size: Edit the characters length of the validated  text that the respondent can input. A validation must be set for this option to work.

Validation: Select the way this question is presented and validated from the drop-down menu list.

Display Style: Edit the style of display between a regular input box or a table input box style.

Force All Questions: Enable the mandatory completion of all the input fields.

Encrypt/Decrypt Question Data on the Server Database: Enable the encryption of the respondents input data. The data can only be accessed via the form creators account. The data will be decrypted when it is downloaded or viewed from your account.

Note! The 'Encrypt/Decrypt' feature is only available when using an 'Input' or 'SingleInput' question type.


Enabling to Live

An example of a potential error using the 'Encrypt/Decrypt Question Data on the Server Database' feature:

The question entry data in the last column displays as random lettering due to the encryption on the server database.

The form creator has enabled the encryption of question data for question 4, but then switched it off again before an input from the respondent was received. This has produced random lettering within the form reports, and replaced the original respondent data. This is due to the encryption of the question data, as only the form account owner can view these results.

This can be solved by simply re-enabling this feature on the specific question type.


Validation Settings

Validation Description


Accepts time in 24 hour clock format: HH:MM.


Accepts a valid number, floating point, or integer.


Accepts an integer number only.


Accepts an integer percentage number between 0-100.


The input should be used with  a 'Calculated' questions  in the form and is automatically populated with the sum of one or more Calc questions, Useful as a page total.


Presents a suggestion list of all countries in the world.


Accepts that a valid email format was entered:

See the ' Email Validation Features '
 heading for more information.


Accepts any valid URL: http:// , https:// , ftp://


Displays a textbox which may accept up to 200 characters.

US Date Popup

A popup and select date box which will save the date in US Date Format: MM/DD/YYYY.

Euro Date Popup

A popup and select date box which will save the date in Euro Date Format: DD/MM/YYYY.

Drop-down Date

Accepts a date to be entered by selecting in three select boxes: day, month and year. The 'Maximum' and 'Minimum' years listed in the drop-down boxes may be selected.

Euro Date

Accepts a valid euro date format: DD/MM/YY.

US Date

Accepts a valid euro date format: MM/DD/YY.

UK Post-code

Accepts a valid UK post code has been entered, and will force the input to upper case.

Zip Code

Accepts a valid 4 or 5 digit zip code has been entered.

UK Phone No.

Accepts a valid UK fixed line or mobile number format: 01-3 for landline or 07 for mobile.

UK Currency

Accepts UK Currency and enters the £ sign and formatting to two decimal places.

UK Grid Ref

Accepts UK grid reference: 123456,64321.


Accepts a valid UK National Insurance Number format: AB 12 34 56 C.

UK Company No.

Accepts valid UK company numbers: 12345678 or SC123456 (for Scotland).


Accepts valid UK VAT registration numbers: 123456789.


Accepts entry of  a strong passwords  only. The password strength will show when text is entered.


Suggests input as the text is entered from a pre-defined list.

See the ' Suggestion Validation' heading for more information.

No Spaces

Does not allow any spaces to be entered in the input.

Input Mask

Accepts the input to match a pre-defined format made up by mask characters. See the ' Input Mask Validation' heading for more information. Click here to see the comparison with the 'Regular Expression' validation.

Regular Expression

Accepts the input to match a coded string that describes a pattern. See the ' Regular Expression Validation' heading for more information.  Click here to see the comparison with the 'Input Mask' validation.

Half Width


Custom Lookup


Hidden Value 1



Input Specific Features

Double Encryption

This feature allows double encryption of form data. Double strength encryption, also known as 'multiple encryption', is the process of encrypting already encrypted form data an additional time, with the same or different algorithm/pattern.

All form collected data is ‘single encrypted’ using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).

By using the ‘Input’ and ‘ SingleInput’ question types, you are able to essentially ‘double encrypt’ form data.

This feature only allows the GDPR Data Controller (the single human form creator) to gain access to the collected data. Even your internal support team won’t be able to receive or view the collected form data (when using the ‘Input’ or ‘SingleInput’ question types).

  1. Add the 'Input' question to your form.


  1. Enable the 'Encrypt/Decrypt Question Data on the Server Database' feature.


  1. A pop-up message will appear displaying:

    'As a security precaution, the data saved in this form will be encrypted on the Database server, and can only be accessed via this respondent account.'

    The data will automatically be unencrypted when viewing or downloading after a valid login. Do not copy or move this survey data to another account, or change the encryption parameter after data has already been corrected.'


Use Cases

Personal Information

When collecting a respondent's personal information e.g. email address, name, phone number, you should use this question type to validate all of the respondents input answers. Collecting personal information using an 'Input' question type will group the data together making it easy to view within the form reports.


Data Validation

These validation options available are 'Input' specific and can only be used within this question type:

Drop-down Date

Euro Date

US Date


UK Grid Reference

Hidden Value 1

Half Width


Not the question you were looking for? See the 'Question Types' topic to view all of the other types.